About Us
“A woman is like a tea bag - you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water” - Eleanor Roosevelt
I think the quote says a lot about me! Life is definitely a journey, and most of the time an exciting one so here’s a little bit about me, what makes my heart sing and my passion and dreams for Good Gracious High Tea.
Gems about working for myself

First of all create an amazing “tribe” of people to surround yourself with who inspire and encourage. I come from an amazing family and having that sense of connection to something bigger than yourself is very important to me.
Remember to give back when you can. I’ve created some Good Gracious High Tea “thank yous” to people in our community who I think do an amazing job like Tauranga Fire Station, St Johns Pharmacy and Oaklands Rest home. It’s so rewarding in lots of ways
A favourite thing about my 'workspace'

Sustainability and community is very important to me both professionally and personally which is why I only use fresh, local in season produce. In my opinion it just makes sense plus buying from local business people allows me to give back to our community.
Besides that fresh, local and in season produce tastes so good too so everyone gets the best of both worlds. My crockery and cutlery is part of the sustainability mindset as well as they’re not only beautiful classic timepieces, they’re reusable too.
I have chosen my suppliers very carefully who work alongside me and my values and I take containers back to be replenished, so everywhere I can I minimise waste and packaging. Once again it adds to the thrill of what I do at Good Gracious High Tea.
Final words...

Running my own business is a dream for me because after travelling the world I’m home and I’m doing something I absolutely love! If I was to promise anything it would be to create absolutely magical, unique and fun shared experiences that inspires warmth, happiness and connection (and of course delicious treats too!). Now that to me just couldn’t get any better.
Nga mihi,
for an absolutely first class dining experience

“Food is my love language.”