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Over the past 18 years Paula has trained in various bodywork modalities in New Zealand, Australia and Bali - Reiki, Bowen therapy, relaxation massage, Hawaiian hot stone massage, holistic pulsing, reflexology, scar tissue release and Bodhypnosis. She has been blessed to have some of the most incredibly talented tutors in their field teach her and has honed her skills to their exacting standards.



"Knowing is not enough; we must apply.

Willing is not enough; we must do."

- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


It all started when, at the much too young age of 29, Paula was diagnosed with early menopause (Premature Ovarian Failure) - not life threatening, possibly life shortening, definitely life changing.


The consequence of that diagnosis at such a young age had an impact on her long term health. Looking after her heart and bones became paramount if she wanted to live a long, healthy life. This in turn guided her to become interested in natural health and well being.


Paula is based in Tauranga where she is a professional house sitter. She is also a published author, having chapters in two collaborative books and her own memoir at the finishing stages for publication. You can join her mailing list to be kept up-to-date here.


Paula is a born explorer and is most happy where sunshine and beach combine, but loves being in nature anywhere. It keeps her grounded and in gratitude for her amazingly beautiful home country of New Zealand.

New Zealand native bush and river



With the view to help people reconnect with themselves and others, Paula is hosting a range of specialty retreats in Bali in 2023.


If you would like to know more, follow this link

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