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The immense benefits of Essential Oils

Updated: Jan 28, 2023

This may be a bit 'woo woo' for some, and it does take a bit of a mind bend because we can't 'see it', but everything in the universe actually has a vibration or frequency, including our physical body (this is quantum physics, not make believe).

When your vibration lowers, it weakens your immune system. Hence when you get into chronic overwhelm and stress it lowers your body's vibration, weakening your immunity, which can then allow dis-ease, illness, or fatigue to take hold. When a body is healthy and in a positive mindset it has a high vibration = less sickness.

Plants, at their core, have a high vibration. Hence using high quality, pure essential oils can help bring low body vibration, higher (in combination with better diet, mindset, and exercise of course).

Dabbling in essential oils many years ago, I did not understand the importance of the quality of oils I chose and their innate therapeutic benefits, I was more interested in the smell I liked and the cost. Earlier this year I came across the Young Living brand of oils and was deeply drawn by the Thieves® blend and it's interesting background story...

Thieves® essential oil blend was inspired by the legend of four 15th-century French thieves who formulated a special aromatic combination composed of clove, rosemary, and other botanicals they used while robbing the dead and dying during plague times. These men did not get sick even though they were touching death and pestilience in order to steal!

I now use Thieves® in the clinic in my vapouriser because of it's amazing anit-viral, anti-bacterial properties, and it smells deliciously spicy and comforting.

10 ways to use Thieves®1. Boost Hand Purifier: Add 5 drops per ounce to your favourite hand purifier to scent it and boost its purifying power.

2. Support Healing: Combine 1 drop of Thieves with 1 drop of carrier oil. Apply to light abrasions or bandages before placing over wounds to help prevent infection and promote healing.

3. Support Healthy Lungs: Diffuse up to 30 drops in a personal diffuser to help clear the lungs and support respiratory wellness.

4. Energize the Body: Inhale the oil directly from the bottle to energize the body.

5. Sinus Health Support: Put 2 drops in palm. Rub palms together, cup hands and inhale for sinus health support.

6. Travel: Put 10 drops of oil in a 5ml roller bottle and fill with carrier oil. Roll a strip under your nose (above your upper lip) when you go on a plane.

7. Spider Deterrent: Combine 40 drops of oil with 2 ounces of distilled water. Spray around window sills, door jambs, corners, and areas where you generally see spiders (this works with ANTS too!!!)

8. Freshen Spa: Add a few drops of oil weekly to your hot tub or spa to create a more invigorating aroma.

9. Laundry Boost: Add 5-10 drops of oil to your laundry cycle for cleaner clothes.

10. Mopping Boost: Add 15 drops of oil to your mop water for cleaner floors.

(these are ideas from a book that has 350+ way to use Thieves® - it's so incredibly versatile!!!)

I am now on an exciting journey of learning the benefits of essential oils and their profound impact on health. Young Living oils are therapeutic grade oils, which means you are receiving the highest concentration of active botanicals. The purity of an essential oil has everything to do with its effectiveness. Did you know?...

  • essential oils affect the limbic system within 3 seconds of inhalation

  • within 3 minutes of topical application, essential oils are absorbed into the bloodstream, and within 20-23 minutes they will be in all cells

  • when ingested (taken orally) they go straight into your cells you want to make sure you are using the real deal and you also need to be VERY careful! For example, if you have breast implants, don't use topically or ingest as high grade oils can melt silicone! Needless to say there's A LOT to learn, but I'm excited to be using these amazing products in my clinic now. You can find out more from my YL website. And if you are interested in ordering any products you can do so directly through me at Wholesale price. I place my monthly order around the 15th of the month so if you want anything let me know. I have incredible support and educational knowledge from my experienced YL team so if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask me and if I don't know the answer I'll find out!


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